The Empath Matrix

Are you an empath? The empath matrix is designed to assist you. These are the basic tools to use in a timely fashion as to not waste time giving your energy to others in a way that may be detrimental to your own being. This matrix may help to influence positive outcomes in your daily life as an empath. The Empath Matrix is broken into four main quadrant: giving to self; protecting self; giving to others; and protecting others…

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 Quadrant One: Give To Self

When we are dealing with giving to ourselves that means we are really taking care of our immediate needs. Think of Maslow’s Hierarchy: In quadrant one we’re dealing with our safety and we’re dealing with our protection. Also, we’re dealing with making sure that were eating properly. Furthermore, that were sleeping and that we’re clothed and we’re sheltered.

Quadrant Two: Protect Your Self

When you’re protecting your energy some of us might start by saying an affirmation in your mind. A few affirmations that you might find helpful are ‘I am beautiful and everyone loves me’ or say ‘I am safe and I am protected’ or try this one ‘I am enough. I’ve always been enough. I always will be enough.’ Use these affirmations as a protection mechanism inside of you.

You could keep a piece of paper with an affirmation with you at all times; your pocket, or purse. It can be something that brings you comfort or something that you truly believe in. Also, if you like stones or crystals, try working with black tourmaline which is very popular.

Protecting yourself could be in the form acknowledging: this is not where I need to be. And remove yourself from a situation. And if it’s a serious situation: switch your focus to something else. And if that can’t be done continue to breathe in and out deeply. And that’s when you can do mindful meditation.

Quadrant Three: Give To Others

As an empath since we are always so sensitive to different energies it’s important that we start to work on asking ourselves: Do we feel safe in this environment? What energies are triggering us to feel extra sensitive?

And part of giving to ourselves is learning how to protect your energy so when you’re in a given space you’ve already given yourself time to make sure that your physical and emotional needs have already been taken care of. We have to be able to fuel ourselves first before we’re able to move into the third quadrant which is giving to others.

It is important to point out that giving to others doesn’t mean that you’re physically or literally giving something or being a caregiver per se. Giving to others happens whenever we’re exchanging or just simply giving our presence to others.

Each interaction is entered into with the idea of fair exchange. You are not giving more of yourself than necessary. This is will allow you to say balanced. Giving to much of yourself will lead to toxic empathy.

Quadrant Four: Protect Others

When you’ve done enough work on yourself and your self-love cup is overflowing and filling up so much that then you are empowered to protect others. When your mission is clearer you can identify when protection of others is justifiable.

 Whether it is that you’re a healer or you’re giving information or you’re working inside of your purpose: when you have enough energy to protect yourself you can protect others.

What do you have to offer as an empath? It’s time to get clear on that and take the steps to improve your life as an empath.

You can do it!

via Giphy

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