Affirmations For Social Skills

Affirmations For Social Skills

positive affirmations for success currently meditating

Affirmations are short repeated statements that encourage the subconscious mind towards beneficial beliefs and actions. Having time energy to work on your social skills is a challenge, especially for introverts.

 Use these affirmations to help promote a sense of ease and confidence. You can choose one to repeat throughout the day and choose another affirmation for the next day. 

Listen To Full Audio Episode Here

  1. I accept who I am at any given moment and time.
2. I am safe in my body.
3. I love myself.
4. I am beautiful and everybody loves me.
5.  I exude confidence when I walk into a room.
 6. I am affirm that I am always in the right place at the right time.
7. I have perfect timing in everything I say and everything I do.
8. I am able to connect effortlessly with others.
9. I give my self time to grow and learn about social settings.
10. I am my biggest fan.
11. I welcome new safe energies into my life. 
12. I set appropriate boundaries with others.
13. I am able to have my personal needs met while around others.
14. I am able to stay in the moment while around others.
10. I embrace the light and the darkness in everyone.
11. I am poised and solid in who I am.
12. I am solid on what I want.
13. I am filled with the love of who I am in every moment.
14. I love me.
15. I take the time to be one with myself.


16. I have immaculate etiquette.
17. I am light hearted.
18. I am able to stay in control of who I am in any environment.
19. I confidently make eye contact with others.
19. I place myself in healthy social settings.
20. I meet people on common ground. 
21. I trust myself in social settings.
22. I easily connect with others while keeping my needs at the center of my mind, body, soul.
-You are balanced and whole!

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