Affirmations For Justice

Affirmations For Justice

Affirmations are short repeated statements that encourage the subconscious mind towards beneficial beliefs and actions. Find time each day to tell yourself that you have a powerful voice that matters.

 Use these affirmations to help promote more balance within who you are today and healing who you once were. You have so much wisdom to teach yourself about yourself. You can choose one to repeat throughout the day and choose another affirmation for the next day. 

Listen To Full Audio Episode Here

1. I acknowledge I have a voice. 
2. I acknowledge the power of my voice.
3. I am centered in myself.
4. I use wisdom in all things.
5. I see my vision clearly.
6. I am armed with my divine protection.
7. I am ever evolving.
8. I see the big picture.
9. I recognize the symbols in all things.
10. I allow love to fill me and nourish me.
11. I am love.
12. I am surrounded by more love than hate.
13. I cultivate an immense amount of love internally.
14. I am timeless in my convictions for justice.
15. I am at wholeness with myself.
16. I transmute any energy that does not serve my highest good.
17. I am grounded and balanced.
18. I am valuable.
-You are balanced and whole!

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