Positive Affirmations For Women

Affirmations are brief repeated statements that encourage the subconscious mind towards beneficial beliefs and actions. Beginning or ending your day with positive affirmations will always be helpful in creating calm within your body, mind, and soul.

 Use these affirmations to let go of the day the year or the moments. You have so much wisdom to teach yourself about yourself. You can choose one to repeat before bed and choose another affirmation for each night. 

Listen To Full Audio Episode Here

  1. I am grateful for each day.

  2. I wake up accepting myself as I am.

  3. I embrace my journey.

  4. I like who I am.

  5. I love who I have become.

  6. I love who I am becoming.

  7. I acknowledge the desires of my heart.

  8. I embrace my desires.

  9. All my desires and wants are taken care of.

  10. I am the woman of my dreams.

  11. I am already great.  

  12. Each day I chisel away and reveal even more of the beautiful sculpture I am.

  13. I am wonderfully made.

  14. I am multifaceted.

  15. I take time for my self-care.

  16. I embrace my beauty rest and sleep.

  17. I let go of unnecessary beauty standards.

  18. I define my own standard of beauty.

  19. I let go of the unnecessary pressures of society.

  20. I effortlessly embrace my natural abilities.

  21. It is easy for me to use my voice.

  22. It is easy for me to let go of people, places, and things that no longer serve me.

  23. I effortlessly take control of my life.

  24. I effortlessly walk in my purpose.

  25. I am a beautiful woman.

  26. I am an intelligent woman.

  27. I am a confident woman.

  28. I am a powerful woman.

-You are balanced and whole!

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