Affirmations For Self Acceptance

Affirmations are shorten repeated statements that encourage the subconscious mind towards beneficial beliefs and actions. Use these affirmations to help you take steps to self acceptance each day.

Affirmations will help you embrace your inner worthiness and serve as a tool along the journey of healing unworthiness.  Enjoy these affirmations for self acceptance!

1. I am present in this moment.
2. I am aware of my inner worthiness.
3. I allow myself to grow.
4. I accept what is happening in my life right now.
5. I am letting go of overthinking.
6. It is safe to be myself.
7. I accept myself in this moment.
8. I accept what I love about myself.
9. I accept what I like about myself.
10. I accept what I dislike about myself. 
11.  I trust my intuition.
12. I tell myself the truth.
13.  I make enough time for myself to learn more about me.
14. I am unafraid to be alone.

Use these affirmations to assist you on your self love journey. 💕

15. I accept that my journey is unlike anyone else.
16. I accept that self love is a process.
17. I accept personal responsibility for all my actions.
18. I show up for myself with all of my abilities. 
19. I am letting go of my imperfections.
20. I am changing.
21. I am moving forward. 
22. I embrace my inner worthiness. 
23. I can still accept myself even if I am not 100% happy with every area of my life. 
-You are balanced and whole!
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