Affirmations For Calming Sleep

Affirmations are brief repeated statements that encourage the subconscious mind towards beneficial beliefs and actions. Having a goodnight’s rest starts with finding calm from your surrounding and from within your body, mind, and soul.

 Use these affirmations to help promote internal calm and wholeness as you sleep. You have so much wisdom to teach yourself about yourself. You can choose one to repeat throughout the day and choose another affirmation for the next day. 

Listen To Full Audio Episode Here

1. I am relaxing into a calming rest.
2. It is easy for me to relax.
3. I let go of this day with each breath I take.
4. I welcome a peaceful rest.
5. I embrace my time of calm.
6. It is okay to let go of worries from today.
7. In this moment I am focusing on myself. 
8. I let go of the faces, and places, and responsibilities of the day.
9. I give myself permission to be calm.
10. I embrace the wisdom that comes with letting my mind relax.
11. As I sleep I allow the worries about the past and the future to subside. 
12. I let go of all anxiety.
13. As I rest there is a covering of love protecting me.
14. I embrace love. 
15. I embrace comfort. 
16. I embrace the safety in my body.
17. I  embrace relaxation.
18. I embrace a calming sleep.
19. I am thankful for tomorrow.
20. I will arise from this rest refreshed and reset.
-You are balanced and whole!

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